Monday 18 March 2024



Meeting documents will be added as they are prepared. Governance documents are in DRAFT form until they are approved by the Full Council

149:    Suffolk County Councillor's Report
151:    Chair's Report
155:   Climate Action Report
158 Governance
158.9 New Councillor Induction Pack (20 pages in total)
  1. New Councillor's Guide
  2. Roles and Responsibilities
  3. Role of the Clerk
  4. Conduct at Meetings
  5. Agendas and Minutes
  6. Meeting Reports and Motions
  7. Committees and Working Groups
  8. Value for Money
  9. Spending Public Money
  10. GDPR and Data Management
  11. Transparency
161:   Proposal to create a Village Hall Joint Modernisation Steering Committee (JMSC)


Monday 15 January 2024



Monday 20 November 2023



Meeting documents will be added as they are prepared

103  SCC Report
Monday 16 October 2023 Extra Meeting

Monday 18 September 2023

Meeting Documents will be added as they are prepared and are in draft form until approved by the council.

Monday 17 July 2023

Agenda - contains links to documents that are already published


Meeting Documents will be added as they are prepared and are in draft form until approved by the council.


Monday 15 May 2023 - Annual Meeting of the Parish Council



Meeting Documents - will be added as they are prepared and are in draft form until approved by the council.

The agenda contains links to documents that are already published

Monday 24 April 2023 Extra Meeting


All financial reports are in draft form until they are formaly approved by the full council