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Citizens Advice East Suffolk:
14 Colonial House, Station Rd, Leiston IP16 4JD
Open Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 10 - 2 pm
Wickham Market drop in service:
Resource Centre (next to the Library) Tuesday 1.30-3.30 pm
01728 832193 or
0808 2787868 (Free)
Disablility Advice Service:
DAS is a friendly local charity based at Martlesham which advises children and adults with disability issues. They also advise family members and carers and can help with all kinds of benefit claims.
Their office is open Monday to Thursday, 9.30am-4.30pm
Call them on 01394 387070
Wickham Market Good Neighbours Scheme: (GNS) is a service for Wickham Market residents. Volunteers will help (free of charge) with all kinds of jobs, such as shopping, a one-off garden tidy up, minor DIY, posting letters, filling in forms, computer help, dog walking or visit for a chat. They also provide car transport at 45p per mile (£1.50 fixed for travel within the village). There is also a home-from-hospital service to help you after a stay in hospital (which requires booking in advance).
Call the Wickham Good Neighbours Sceme, Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm on 07914 494108
Wellbeing Tree Café: At The Aspire Centre (opposite the library). Relax, chat and make new friends over a hot drink and cake.
Wednesdays 10.30am-2.30pm
Men’s Shed: Behind the Village Hall and Sports Club. A social and creative space with activities similar to those of garden sheds, but for groups of men to enjoy together.
Mondays from 2pm until 4pm, tea and cake at 3.30pm (not open on Bank Holiday Mondays).
www.wmshed.org.uk or call 01728 747782
Youth Football Club: Simon’s Cross Playing Field, IP13 0ST.
Steph: 07778 880735.
Football Club: 01728 747731
Sport and Social Club: behind the Wickham Market Village Hall.
Tennis Club: Simon’s Cross Playing Field: 01728 746736
Bowls Club (Playing Field):
01728 746715
Red Triangle Bowls Club:
01728 604491
Chapel Lane, Wickham Market IP13 0SD.
Open Tuesday to Friday: 9.30am-5.30pm
Saturday: 10am-12.30pm then 1pm-4.30pm
01728 747216
Also at the Library:
Bookstart Story Time:
Tuesdays 11.00-11.30am
Tot Rock preschool songs & rhymes: Tuesdays 11.00-11.30am.
Stories & Rhymes for preschool: Tuesdays 2.00-2.30pm
Sewing Group:
Thursdays 1.30-4.30pm
01728 747987
Lego at the Library:
Monthly third Saturday 10.30am-4pm
Booking enquiries: lettings.wmvillagehall@gmail.com or visit website: www.wmvillagehall.org.uk
Also at the Village Hall:
Gardening Club:
Monthly third Thursday 7:30pm
Community Cuppa/Chinwag
For those in later life (65+):
Monthly second Thursday 2-4pm
Community Club: social activities and support for those new to the area, Friday mornings
Val Mann: val@penpal.me.uk
01728 747078
Little Treasures: Drop-in for parents/carers with babies age 0 to 15 months in the back room of Wickham Market Village Hall
Wednesdays 1.30-3.30pm
Wickham Market Movies:
3rd Saturday of the month - 7pm for a 7.30pm start Contact: Pete Holden 01728 747229
Little Kickers Football:
Mondays 09.30am Two age groups
18 months to 30 months
2½ to 3½.
www.littlekickers.co.uk 07762 341982
All Saints Church
Crown Lane, IP13 0SA
Also at All Saints Church:
Open Pantry: Fresh food and household goods shared with anyone in need.
Thursdays 9-11am
Open Door: coffee, tea, biscuits and friendship.
Fridays 10am-12noon
Bell Ringing: Mondays 7:30-9pm
The following are held in the Beehive Building, Crown Lane
Bumblebees:Toddlers Group Age 0-4
Suggested cost £1 per session
Tuesdays 9am-11.30am term time
Rainbows (age 4-7), Brownies (age 7-10), Guides (age 10+)
Linda Payne: 01728 604491
Rescource Centre: Chapel Lane, Wickham Market IP13 0SD: 01728 747782
Royal British Legion Club: 01728 746915
Archive Centre: For opening hours, location and further information go to - http://www.wmarchives.co.uk/wickham-market-area-archive-centre/
Philip Tallent 01728 746058