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Clubs & Socities Contact Details:
Bowls Club
(Playing Field)
Club Secretary: 01728 746715
Or 01728 746300
Or 01728 746000
Red Triangles Bowls Club
(Green behind the Vicarage, Crown Lane)
01728 604491 or
01728 748417
Glevering Hall Badminton Club
07860 402288
Youth Football Club
Simon's Cross Playing Field
Steph: 07778 880735
Football Club
01728 747732
Sport and Social Club
Behind the Village Hall
Valley Farm
Pony Club
Valley Farm
Tots Pony Club
Valley Farm
Young Equestrians Club
Tennis Club
Simon's Cross Playing Field
01728 746736
Rainbows & Brownies
Beehive Building, Crown Lane
Linda Payne 01728 604491
Beehive Building, Crown Lane
Jacquie Goodwin & Tracy Burch
Wickham Market Royal British Legion Branch and Club
12 Dallinghoo Road
IP13 0RP
Monday-Sunday 7pm-11.00pm & weekend lunchtimes
Bounce Fit Body Class
Wickham Market Primary School, Dallinghoo Road
Deben Probus Club
Secretary: John Hickling 01728 746322
Woodbridge & District Lions Club
0345 8332 820
Wickham Market Community Club
Wickham Market Village Hall
01728 747078
Suffolk Carers Natter
Vida Haus Cafe, Pettistree
Wickham Market and District Family Carers Support Group
Royal British Legion
12 Dallinghoo Road
contact: jacandon@aol.com
Wickham Market Allotments Association (WMAA) www.wmallotments.org.uk
Wickham Market & District Gardening Club contact: wmgardenclub27@gmail.com |
Wickham Market Flower Club Contact: June 01394 384803 |
Wickham Market Women's Institute Contact: www.sefwi.org.uk |
Men's Shed
Portacabins behind Sports Club and the Village Hall
Archive Centre, in the garden behind the Library
All Saints' Church
Wickham Market
Bell Ringers
Tower Captain: 01728 746681
Clubs & Societies - When and Where
2-4.00pm (except for Bank Holidays) Wickham Market Shed. Join the 'Shedders' at the Portacabins behind the Village Hall.
2-4pm Small Art Classes, Contact Sally Crowley
Evening - Bounce Class at Wickham Market Primary School
2-4.00pm (except for Bank Holidays) Wickham Market Shed. Join the 'Shedders' at the Portacabins behind the Village Hall.
2-4pm Small Art Classes, Contact Sally Crowley
Evening - Bounce Class at Wickham Market Primary School
7.30-9pm Bell Ringing at Wickham Church, beginners welcome. Tower Captain: Ray Lewis 01728 746681
10am-1pm Family History Research at the Library - book a 90-minute appointment with Louise - (Library) 01728 747216
10.30am-12.30pm Wickham Market Archive Centre is open
1.30-3.30pm CAB at the Resource Centre
7.30-8.30pm Zoom Online, EmpowHer Womans Circles
1st Tues of month 10am-noon. Vida Haus Cafe, Suffolk Carers Natter
Evening Bounce Class at Wickham Market Primary School
6pm Bingo at Wickham Market Village Hall Contact Tina Clack 01728 746846
1.30-3.30pm CAB at the Resource Centre
7.30-8.30pm Zoom Online, EmpowHer Womans Circles
1st Tues of month 10am-noon. Vida Haus Cafe, Suffolk Carers Natter
Evening Bounce Class at Wickham Market Primary School
6pm Bingo at Wickham Market Village Hall Contact Tina Clack 01728 746846
9.15-11.15am Toddler Group meets every Wednesday in the Village Hall in term time. Different crafts every week, home made cakes, a wide range of toys and baby corner. All parents, carers and grandparents welcome. Children from birth to school age. Contact: stephanieworne@gmail.com
2nd Wednesday of the month - 10am-12noon, Library & Resource Centre Gardening Club
8am-1pm Market on the Hill, for fresh local produce, clothing, bric-a-brac, Wickham Market
10.30am-12.30pm Wellbeing Tree Cafe at the Aspire Centre
Evening Bounce Class at Wickham Market Primary School
2nd Wednesday of the month - 10am-12noon, Library & Resource Centre Gardening Club
8am-1pm Market on the Hill, for fresh local produce, clothing, bric-a-brac, Wickham Market
10.30am-12.30pm Wellbeing Tree Cafe at the Aspire Centre
Evening Bounce Class at Wickham Market Primary School
7.00-9.00pm Bell Ringing at Pettistree Church. Beginners welcome. Tower Captain: Mary Garner 01728 746097
9-11am All Saints Open Pantry at the Wickham Market Church
10.30am-12.30pm Wickham Market Archive Centre is open
2-5pm Sewing Group at the Library
2-5pm Sewing Group at the Library
2nd Thursday of each month - 7.30pm Wickham Market W I meets in the Village Hall 01728 746697
3rd Thursday of eac month - 7.30pm Wickham Market and District Gardening Club 01728 747434 in the Village Hall
l4th Thursday of the month - 7.30pm Wickham Market Flower Arrangement Club 01728 746697 in the Village Hall
10am-12noon Weekly Community Club (Communities Together East Anglia on last Friday of the Month) at the Village Hall Wickham Market Contact: Val Mann- val@penpal.me.uk or 01728 747078
10am-12noon Open Door, Coffee Morning at All Saints Church
Market on The Hill at Wickham Market,showcasing local makers, producers and traders, 7.30am-1.30pm
10.30am-12.30pm Tennis coaching (improvers) at the tennis courts, Wickham Market
10.30-4pm Lego at the Library
3rd Saturday of the month - Wickham Market Movies in the Village Hall 7pm for 7.30pm start. Contact: Pete Holden 01728 747229
10.30am-12.30pm Tennis coaching (improvers) at the tennis courts, Wickham Market
10.30-4pm Lego at the Library
3rd Saturday of the month - Wickham Market Movies in the Village Hall 7pm for 7.30pm start. Contact: Pete Holden 01728 747229
3rd Sunday of the Month - TOGETHER@11am an informal service at All Saints Wickham Market. From 10.30am for tea/coffee and toast, then a relxed short service around tables with stories, craft singing and prayers.