Welcome to Wickham Market Parish News. We aim to provide you with updates and information as well as local news which may have an impact on us, for instance major road closures.

Read on to find out more.


Sizewell C Workers Will Need Accommodation - Conversion Housing Grants Available

The Construction of Sizewell C will bring workers into the area who will be looking for accommodation around Sizewell and that includes Wickham Market.

If you own your property and have a spare room, annexe, garage or property that could make safe and comfortable living space for a Sizewell C worker you may be eligible for a grant to assist towards getting the room/property up to a lettable standard.

All grants are subject to you obtaining the necessary Planning and Building Regulations approvals.

Minor Works Grants

Minor Works Grants of up to £3,000 per bedspace are available to bring an unused bedroom into use within an existing home to be accommodated by a Sizewell C worker.

All works must be carried out by a suitable tradesperson as DIY applications will not be considered.

The accommodation must be made available to use for 5 years from the date of completion otherwise the grant is subject to repayment in full. Conditions will be linked to the property via a deed of agreement lodged as a local land charge.

Renovation Grants

Renovation grants of up to a maximum of £7,000 per bedspace are available to assist with the conversion of annexes, garages or non-residential buildings or conversion of existing homes into licensable standard HMOs (3 or more bedrooms) to provide safe & suitable residential accommodation for Sizewell C workers.

Works must be carried out by a suitable tradesperson. DIY applications will not be considered.

The grants will be subject to conditions which will be linked to the property via deed of agreement lodged as a local land charge.

The Grant will be subject to repayment if the accommodation is not available for use for the first 10 years from the date of completion.

Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

Where a current valid Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is not in place we can help towards the cost of obtaining one. In addition to this up to a maximum of £2,500 can be applied for to carry out recommended works towards the property obtaining an EPC rating of C*

*All available Government and OFGEM promoted grants must be applied for first, where available.

Further queries or to apply

Visit Sizewell C Housing Grants » East Suffolk Council

To make further enquiries please email: szchousinggrants@eastsuffolk.gov.uk

Please include your name, address and preferred contact details along with the address of the property you are looking to obtain a grant for and a brief description of the accommodation you are hoping to offer e.g. room to let, room with ensuite, apartment, flat, house or HMO (House of Multiple Occupancy).




The Christmas Market on The Hill at Wickham Market on Saturday 30th November attracted a record number of visitors keen to explore the 35+ stalls selling a wide array of gifts, treats and hand made goods.

The Community Choir and Primary School sang their hearts out and Santa's Grotto (run by the School PTA) looked spectacular. With mulled wine, hot chocolate and food available it proved to be a very special event!

Our thanks to the volunteers who helped set up the market, the choirs and the stall holders who all went out of their way to ensure the Christmas Market had a fantastic atomosphere.





If you go down to your library today, you are in for a big surprise!

It’s not ALL about books, that’s for certain. Lynn is the Senior Library Information Adviser, at Wickham Market Library which is next door to the Medical Centre; she is helped by volunteers, and they host a range of regular activities, events and clubs suitable for all age groups. The library is open Tuesday to Friday 9.30am-5.30am and on Saturday 10am-4.30pm.

Here is a taste of the range of activities:

Tots Rock

Thursdays throughout the year, 9.45am – 10.15am

Ideal for babies through to pre-schoolers, parents, carers and grandparents. Lynn sings songs, nursery rhymes and tells simple stories, and the little ones are encouraged to take part in the actions and play musical instruments. It’s informal and fun and the adults don’t have to sing along!

Lego Club

Saturdays throughout the year, 10am-12noon

If you love Lego this is for you; ideal for all ages and you don’t have to stay for the whole two hours. Build Lego models, gain ideas and inspiration for other Lego projects.

Sewing Group

Thursdays throughout the year, 2pm-5pm

Bring you latest sewing project with you and enjoy the afternoon making alongside others. Share and gain sewing tips.

IT Help

Friday afternoons, by arrangement

If you’re stuck with an IT issue, book to see the library volunteer who helps sort out all things IT!

Trying to Study? No Peace or Space at Home?

If you need a quieter study space, bring along your laptop and find a quiet corner of the library to work on your exam revision or project.

Book Club

First Tuesday of the month, 10am – 11.30am

Come along to this sociable group, enjoy coffee and cake as you talk through a new book each month. Recent reads include The Forgotten Bookshop in Paris and the thriller, Watch Her Fall. The books are provided by the library for you take away and read ready for the next Book Club.

Find Out About Your Family History

Book your free, one to one session on a Tuesday between 10am and 1pm

Help is on hand to help you find out about how to search your family ancestry.

Home Library Service

A friendly volunteer will visit anyone living in Wickham Market or in the surrounding villages with a disability or mobility issue who can’t get to the library. Books are dropped off and collected by the volunteer who can also stay for a chat. The service is also available if someone is in a care home setting too.

For information about any of the above, please contact Wickham Market Library

Email: Wickham.Library@Suffolklibraries.co.uk

Phone: 01728 747216

The NEW Friends of Wickham Market Library is looking for enthusiastic volunteers who are keen to get involved in planning, organising and running events and projects to support Wickham Market Library. If you are interested in joining, please email the library manager, maggie.lusher@suffolklibraries.co.uk


Ways to Wellness

The Woodbridge Integrated Neighbourhood Team (INT), in partnership with the Rural Coffee Caravan, is pleased to announce The ‘Ways to Wellness Walk In’ event in Wickham Market is open to all members of the public and will provide opportunities for residents to informally chat with representatives from a whole range of services dedicated to their overall wellbeing. The type of information available will include, but is not limited to, finance challenges, memory and mobility, physical and mental health &and wellbeing, caring for loved ones, winter warmth and home safety. Free refreshments will be available to everyone who attends. Details of the Wickham Market event is listed below; more events are planned for later in the year and into 2025.
Wickham Market Village Hall, Friday 27th September 10am – 12pm

The Be Well Bus will also be attending some of these events (not all) and with its SiSU Health Check Machine on board people will be able to receive a FREE mini health check which can be carried out in under 5 minutes. This check measures height, weight and your Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure, and heart rate.

Celebrate Summer Market - a great success

The Wickham Market, Celebrate Summer Market took place on Saturday 10th of August. With more than 30 stalls there was a wealth of artisan craft, homewares, baked goods and fresh produce for sale. Many local charities and organisations took the opportunity to have a stand and were able to share how they can help and support our community. There was plenty of opportunity to browse and buy as well as catch up and chat with others. A big thank you to the Community Choir who gave a great performance and to the many volunteers who helped set up the market (from 5.30am) and helped pack away afterwards. We are already planning for our Christmas Market for Saturday 30th November, so if you would like to book a pitch do get in touch with us at deputyclerk@wickhammarketpc.com


FREE Bike Health Checks, Live Music, Bar and Makers Market, Saturday 7th September. Plus a Sticker Book Competition!

To celebrate that the Tour of Britain Men 2024 is coming through Wickham Market on Sunday the 8th September there will be on The Hill, on Saturday 7th September, FREE bike health checks, live music (from 11.30am) and a small Parish Council run 'bar' with soft and alcoholic drinks for sale (alcohol will only be sold from 11am).

 The monthly 'Makers Market' will also be taking place so browse the stalls, enjoy a drink and some entertainment and get your bike checked with Re-Cycle. You can book a FREE 20-minute check session from 9.30am until 1.30pm (To avoid disappointment on the day, please book your bike check in advance via message to 07960 122932). Walk-ins on the day may be possible if not all sessions are pre booked. 

There is a bike trail sticker book competition for children to take part in between now and the 7th September.  There are ten businesses around Wickham Market with special bike stickers in their windows. Within those businesses, they each have some story books. To take part in the competition participants will need to visit all 10 businesses to get their stickers to complete their story books.








Book to come and see how Suffolk Community Foundation can help you apply for funding from the Sizewell C Community Fund at Campsea Ashe on Wednesday 9th October 2024

The Sizewell C Community Fund is a grant programme that will provide up to £23m over the next decade for local charities, community groups and social enterprises in East Suffolk who are delivering projects that benefit local communities impacted by the construction of Sizewell C.

Sarah and James from Suffolk Community Foundation, who are administering the fund, will be at the Station House in Campsea Ashe on Wednesday 9th October and are inviting groups to come and see them to discuss project ideas, ask questions about the Community Fund, and to get support with making an application. Bringing a couple of team members along is encouraged – the more questions you ask, the better!

 The 45 minute appointments can be booked online at: www.sizewellcfund.org.uk or by calling the team on 01473 602 602.


The Christmas Market on The Hill at Wickham Market takes place on Saturday 30th November from 9am until 2pm. With 40 stalls selling a huge range of handmade and artisan gifts, homeware, ceramics, food and drink plus some Christmas surprises it will be well worth coming along. Plenty of FREE parking in the East Suffolk Council - owned pay and display carparks on the day too -  see you there! Free festive parking » East Suffolk Council

or dates up to Christmas 2 hour sessions max:


Sunday 24th November cancelled, now Sunday 1st December

Thursday 28th November 10am: Parish Cemetery (south of the Old School) Light pruning, mulching young trees, general love and care

Sunday 1st December 10.30am: Chapel Lane - Sandy Lane footpath, trees to replace and tend in the tree line and spinney


Saturday 14th December 10am: Meet Village Hall for litter walk with Sonya


If you wish to help at other times with a specific task or help in any way, please let us know!

All ideas, support and donations to green works, such as trees, bulbs, tools (via WM Parish Council) are welcome.  Just contact us!

Transport Solutions for Anyone Finds Using Public Transport Difficult

If you or someone you know, does not have access to a car or finds using public transport difficult, Coastal Accessible Transport Services (CATS), a non-profit organisation, based at Leiston can h

If you or someone you know, does not have access to a car or finds using public transport difficult, Coastal Accessible Transport Services (CATS), a non-profit organisation, based at Leiston can help.

CATS operates Katch based within Wickham Market, Framlingham, Snape, Tunstall and Hacheston as well as the Connecting Communities Buses that operates three services that span East Suffolk. These bus services are on-demand, and need to be pre-booked and are all wheelchair accessible.

CATS has a range of options including a voluntary driver driven Community Car service who will take you to the supermarket or to an appointment, wait for you and then bring you home. It costs 45p per mile and there is an annual membership fee of £20.

Wheels within Wheels is also operated by CATS and is a fully wheelchair accessible car/MPV that is charged at 45p a mile for peoples going to Ipswich hospital,

 There is also a door to door/dial a ride service which is for limited journeys of up to 9/10 miles and is predominantly for trips to Aldeburgh, Leiston, Saxmundham and Woodbridge. Return fares for these are, £4.50, for up to four miles and £5.50 for 4-9 miles. This service can be booked for individuals or groups to go to appointments, visit friends and family or to visit a local attraction. You need to register the service which costs £15 for the entire year.

To book or to clarify which service best fits for you or someone you know please contact CATS, their phone number is 01728 830516 or email community.transport@cats-paws.co.uk. The website is www.cats-paws.co.uk



The Wickham Market Village Show was held over two days on the 4th and 5th August 2024.

There were 420 entries to the numerous competition categories which included flowers, plants, vegetables, baking, art, crafts and photography. It was lovely to see so many entries from children. Visitors made the most of the catering facilities, enjoying the opportunity to meet friends and family and share lunch with them.

The theme of the weekend was 'bees' and a Wickham Market bee keeper was on hand to give advice and share information with visitors.

A huge 'thank you' to the planning committee and to everyone who helped over the weekend, sponsored a category or donated a raffle prize or cake.

The Be Well Bus was in Wickham Market on Wednesday 10th July. 

It was organised by East Suffolk District Council and gave everyone the opportunity to visit the bus and find out about a wide range of advice, services and organisations. These included help, advice and support for already established, East Suffolk businesses, as well as training workshops and start up advice for anyone considering being their own boss.


Also on hand were representatives from CAP who provide a range of sessions on money management, cooking on a budget and making your money go further. With free exercise class information from Step by Step, help with options regarding care at home plus information for people and carers regarding Alzheimer’s disease and sight loss, there was a wealth of details available.

If you couldn’t visit the Be Well Bus, please see below for the contact details of the various support and organisations mentioned.

East Suffolk Means Business - for advice, grants and training for established businesses, sole traders, partnerships and limited companies: www.eastsuffolkmeansbusiness.co.uk

Start Your New Business Well - do you have a business idea and want to make it happen or have you started a new business in the last 12 months? - Free online business workshops and one to one advice if you are East Suffolk based: www.menta.org.uk/start-up-training

Be Your Own Boss - find out about setting up as self-employed and provide home-help, gardening or handy-person services. -  Free help and support from Community Catalysts: Contact Jayne Vaughan, email her at jayne.vaughan@communitycatalysts.co.uk or phone 07435 943 673

Don’t Fudge it. Budget - a free service to help you manage your money: Call Julia Rose on 07930 197338 or email juliarose@caplifeskills.org

Lifting the Weight of Debt - free debt advice and personal support: Call 0800 328 0006 or visit www.capdebthelp.org

Care and Support - a directory to help you find local people who offer help at home, with meals, gardening and getting out and about: Visit www.smallgoodstuff.co.uk/Suffolk

Step by Step. Better Balance Sessions - improve your strength and balance; reduce your risk of falling with gentle, chair-based exercises: For more information, session dates and times call 01473 345350